Stages of Drug Rehabilitation

Stages of Drug Rehabilitation

Stages of Drug Rehabilitation


Drug rehabilitation is one of the efforts to save addicts from the shackles of drugs and the dangers that accompany it. There are three stages of drug rehabilitation in Indonesia, namely medical rehabilitation, non-medical rehabilitation, and further development.

The dangers of drugs to health need not be doubted. Not only damage psychological health, drugs also have a bad impact on the physical health of its users.

The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that around 270 million people in the world use illegal drugs. In Indonesia alone, there were around 3.6 million cases of drug abuse in 2019.

Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction

The specific symptoms of drug addiction that appear usually depend on the type of drug used. However, in general, there are some signs and symptoms of drug addiction to watch out for, namely:

  • Red eyes and narrowed or enlarged pupils
  • Significant weight gain or loss
  • Irregular eating or sleeping patterns
  • Doesn’t care about appearance, like rarely changing clothes and bathing
  • It’s easy to feel tired and sad or just too energetic and can’t stay still
  • Often anxious and withdraws from social circles
  • Difficult to concentrate
  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • The body feels shaking or even convulsing

In addition, someone who is addicted to drugs also becomes more daring to do dangerous things. Examples are driving a motorcycle under the influence of drugs or stealing to satisfy a drug addiction.

Rehabilitation Assistance for Drug Addicts

Rehabilitation assistance for drug addicts is regulated by the government in Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and Government Regulation no. 25 of 2011 concerning the Implementation of Compulsory Reporting Narcotics Addicts.

In addition to reporting to IPWL, drug addicts can also report by registering and filling out a form on the official website of the Indonesian Rehabilitation Information System (SIRENA) owned by the National Narcotics Agency. You can also visit Rehab cape town

Even though it has been regulated in such a way, it is not uncommon for drug addicts to be late or find it difficult to get rehabilitation due to the stigma attached, both from the environment and from within themselves.

Drug addicts are sometimes associated with criminals. This makes them often deny their condition and do not want to report it. In fact, drug users are victims who need to be rehabilitated in order to be free from the grip of drugs and the dangers that accompany it

The rehab cape town of drug addicts is guaranteed by the government. By reporting themselves, drug addicts will only be processed to undergo rehabilitation and will not be sentenced to criminal penalties.

Stages of Drug Rehabilitation

According to the National Narcotics Agency, there are three stages of drug rehabilitation that must be passed by drug addicts, namely:

Stage of medical rehabilitation (detoxification)

Medical rehabilitation is the first stage that addicts need to go through in order to be free from drug addiction. At this stage, the doctor will check the addict’s health, both physical and mental health.

After the examination is carried out, the doctor will determine the type of treatment that will be given to reduce withdrawal symptoms suffered by the addict. Giving this drug depends on the type of drug that has been used and the severity of the symptoms experienced.

For example, heavy drug addicts of the type of heroin who are easily addicted can be given drug therapy with methadone or naltrexone . As the rehabilitation process progresses, the dose of drug administration will be reduced according to the development of the addict’s condition.

Non-medical rehabilitation stage

In addition to undergoing medical rehabilitation, drug addicts will also participate in various integrated recovery activities, ranging from counseling, group therapy, to spiritual or religious guidance.

Counseling can help drug addicts identify problems or behaviors that trigger their dependence on drugs. Thus, addicts can find the most appropriate strategy for him to be released from the shackles of drugs.

Meanwhile, group therapy ( therapeutic community ) is a discussion forum consisting of fellow drug addicts. This therapy aims so that its members can provide each other with motivation, assistance, and support so that they are both free from drug entanglements.

Advanced building stage ( aftercare )

The advanced development stage is the final stage of the drug rehabilitation series. Drug addicts will be given activities according to their respective interests and talents. This is so that they can return to work and remain productive after completing the rehabilitation program.

After being freed from dependence, former drug addicts can return to society and carry out their normal activities under the supervision of the National Narcotics Agency.

However, in practice, they still need the support of family, relatives, and the surrounding community so that they can return to living a healthy life and truly be free from drug entanglements in the future.

If you or someone close to you has already experienced drug addiction, don’t be afraid to report yourself to the nearest IPWL to get rehabilitation services. The sooner rehabilitation is carried out, the sooner you will be free from the shackles of drugs.


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