What Are the Best Foods For Hormonal Imbalance?

What Are the Best Foods For Hormonal Imbalance?

What Are the Best Foods For Hormonal Imbalance?


According to sites like The Top Supplements, hormonal imbalance is arguably one of the most impactful health conditions men and women face. There are so many reasons that people experience hormonal imbalance, many of which are tied to modern diets and lifestyles.

Hormones such as estrogen and testosterone play a critical role in overall health.

In women, the most common consequence of hormones that aren’t balanced is called polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. Women’s hormones can also fluctuate naturally during pregnancy, breastfeeding, puberty, and menopause.

Symptoms of female hormone imbalances include heavy or irregular periods, stopped periods, or missed periods. Other signs include acne, hair loss, hyperpigmentation, skin tags, and vaginal dryness.

In males, testosterone is a hormone that has an important role in overall development. Low testosterone or imbalanced hormones in men can include symptoms like breast tenderness or the development of breast tissue, erectile dysfunction, decreased body hair growth, loss of muscle mass, problems concentrating, and hot flashes.

You can do some things to get your hormones back into balance, and many of these are related to your overall lifestyle.

For example, your diet can positively or negatively affect hormone balance.

Keeping that in mind, the following are the best foods to correct hormonal imbalances.


Eggs are an excellent protein source, and they’re great for hormone balance. Eggs positively impact ghrelin and insulin hormones. Ghrelin controls your appetite, and insulin controls your blood sugar. Your levels are lower after you eat eggs compared to a meal that’s high in carbs.

Eggs also keep you feeling fuller for longer, so you’ll eat fewer calories. Being overweight or obese can have a negative impact on your hormone balance, so this is relevant in this way as well.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables include Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. All of the vegetables that are part of this family can help regulate hormones. These vegetables can help your body appropriately process and remove extra estrogen, whether you’re a male or a female.

Broccoli can further help with symptoms of PMS because it’s rich in calcium, which can help with bloating and the regulation of mood swings and cramps.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish includes salmon, lake trout, sardines, herring, and mackerel. Fatty fish has powerful benefits for your overall health, including your brain and mental health, and it also helps stabilize hunger hormones.

Plus, fatty fish is rich in vitamin D. Vitamin D improves mood and testosterone levels in females.

When females balance their natural testosterone levels, it can help with symptoms like fatigue, depression, and weight gain.

Healthy fats, like fish, can boost overall hormone communication. Your endocrine system relies on hormones to communicate with the brain, which helps our mood and cognitive skills.

Fiber-Rich Foods

Foods with fiber can help with hormone balance. Soluble fiber can increase your fullness hormones, and insoluble fiber might help too. Your gut microbiome fermentssoluble fiber in the colon, which then creates short-chain fatty acids that will lead to the release of fullness hormones.

Chicken Breast

Overall, foods high in protein are good for balanced hormones. Chicken breast is no exception, and it’s low-fat and high-protein. When you have a high-protein diet can be beneficial for the anabolic hormones, which include estrogen and insulin. These hormones help your body build muscle after a workout, and foods rich in protein also help your body secrete hormones like leptin, which is another that makes you feel full.


Cherries are high in melatonin, so having them or some cherry juice before bed can help you fall asleep more easily. Melatonin is a hormone, and getting restful sleep promotes more balanced hormones. Cherries are also high in magnesium, which can help regulate adrenaline and cortisol levels.


Nuts are high in healthy fats, including poly and monosaturated fats, which help promote healthy blood vessels and hormone production. Nuts can have good effects on your endocrine system and maintain your blood sugar while reducing your insulin levels.

Specifically, Brazil nuts have a high selenium content. Selenium supports thyroid health, and proper thyroid function affects all your hormones.

Finally, flaxseeds are a food that can positively influence hormones. They’re high in phytoestrogen, which can balance hormones and support menstrual symptoms. They’re also full of antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids.


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