I Did Everything To Avoid Cooking

I Did Everything To Avoid Cooking

I Did Everything To Avoid Cooking


I started working in restaurants when I was 16. I started as a food runner and worked my way up to being a cook. I quit when I was 23 and decided I was done with cooking. Whether it was for others or just myself. Not happening. I don’t know why something changed, but I suddenly couldn’t take the environment anymore. I needed something to slow me down.

The chaos that was working in that kitchen stayed with me through my adult years. I just wanted nothing to do with picking up another utensil or sustaining another burn to my wrist. I’d managed to find other ways.

It was just as well that I’d pick up something pre-made from the store, order take out or delivery, or eat at a restaurant. I was much more interested in having other people cook for me now. I didn’t have any special reason for it.

Then one night I was with a friend and she was preparing for a party she was having the next day. She was getting a bunch of things ready with her food processor. That idea had never crossed my mind before and I found it interesting. I realized that if I could make things easier like this, I might consider cooking again.

I asked my friend about it and she said that it made preparing so many things a total breeze and it cut down on cooking times like nobody’s business. She suggested  that I find a recipe and try it with her food processor first to see how I feel.

I gave it a try and I was hooked. It wasn’t like cooking in the restaurant. I had some hope that I’d start cooking again, so I figured it was worth taking the leap. I went ahead and ordered one.

Everything was going well for a while and I was really enjoying myself. One day I got a little too confident and I dropped my work bowl right from my hands and on to the floor. I put a big crack in it. I was so disappointed because I was just really getting into it. My friend suggested checking out KitchenWorksUSA to look at the Cuisinart DLC-8 4-piece Tritan Bowl Kit Part. What a lifesaver. I ordered it and was back on track with cooking again in no time.

I’m really glad I found a new way to cook, and one that I thoroughly enjoyed. I never thought I’d be interested in cooking again but my friend and her food processor changed all of that. I get excited now every time I find a new recipe that looks good to me. It’s been a lot of fun.


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