Annual Ladies Brunch With My Cuisinart Food Processor

Annual Ladies Brunch With My Cuisinart Food Processor

Annual Ladies Brunch With My Cuisinart Food Processor


Each year I host a brunch that is really special to me. It consists of my mom, my sister, and about 8 of my longtime girlfriends. My friends travel for this, and while they all live within driving distance, most of them are about 4 hours away, give or take, in different directions. The ones who live the furthest typically book a hotel and or will stay in my guest rooms.

My mom and my sister always help me prepare the brunch. We plan the menu together every year, and they come over a few days ahead of time and we make up whatever we can in advance. It’s important for me to get a lot of this done, so I can socialize with my friends who I only get to see a couple of times a year. It’s clearly a big deal to me.

I use my Cuisinart food processor for preparing a lot of the food. It’s such a time saver and it makes everything so much easier to clean up! It’s basically like magic. My sister brings hers over as well, so we can get a ton done in a really short amount of time.

Before the last brunch, when I was using my Cuisinart food processor for a different event, I noticed things weren’t chopping as smoothly as they normally would. My sister suggested I look at KitchenWorksInc, where you can get real Cuisinart-dfp-14 parts. I went ahead and ordered new blades, and a spatula that was perfect for getting every last bit of food out of the work bowl.

When it came time for this last brunch we were definitely prepared. Everything worked like a dream and it went so seamlessly. We finished everything just in the nick of time, and had everything laid out beautifully in time for everyone’s arrival.

The best part is that the Cuisinart food processor makes things so easy, so I’m not completely exhausted for the actual event. Having help certainly doesn’t hurt in that aspect either.

The last brunch went so well, and everyone was super impressed and happy with everything. It definitely leaves everyone looking forward to the next time.  It’s so important for me to spend the time with my beloved friends, rather than running around like a crazy person trying to get things finished up. I don’t know what I would do without my mom and sister’s help, or without my Cuisinart food processor, which is what really allows me to spend this quality time with the people that I hold dearest.


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