Myths About Alimony in Utah -Do Not Fall For Them!

Myths About Alimony in Utah -Do Not Fall For Them!


One of the most misinterpreted components of divorce is alimony, commonly referred to as “spousal maintenance.” Although many believe they understand how Utah’s alimony laws operate, they are frequently dismayed to learn that they have been duped.  Contact a sandy child support lawyer for help. You are not alone if you discover that you have fallen for one of the following alimony myths.

1: No longer is alimony paid.

The fact that both spouses in marriage frequently work and may not require alimony to sustain themselves after divorce means that alimony is not as prevalent as it formerly was. Nowadays, in roughly 10% of marriages in the US, alimony is granted.

2. Women alone receive alimony.

Even though women make up the vast majority of alimony beneficiaries, not all receivers are female. According to the U.S. Census, the proportion of males receiving alimony has increased dramatically over the previous three decades, going from less than 0.5% in 2000 to approximately 3% in 2010.

3: You are set for life after you receive alimony.

Alimony is frequently not a permanent award when it is granted. In Utah, alimony is determined first by the need of the spouse who would be receiving it and then by the ability of the other spouse to pay. The receiver of alimony should be able to maintain a lifestyle that is comparable to that of the marriage. However, a lot depends on the situation.

Long-term alimony is significantly more frequent in a long-term marriage between elderly couples in which one provides for the household and family while the other works throughout the marriage. Younger spouses who have been married for a shorter period might likely return to work and support themselves.

4: Alimony Determinations Do not Consider Fault.

As a no-fault divorce state, Utah does not need either party to claim or provide evidence of wrongdoing in order to initiate a divorce action. But that does not imply that the error is unimportant. The court may seal court records to safeguard the parties’ privacy when culpability is at issue in an alimony dispute.

5. Only Death or Remarriage Can Terminate Alimony.

Alimony indeed stops when the receiver passes away or gets married again. However, spousal assistance may not always terminate in certain situations. When the divorce decision specifies that it should, alimony will stop. That might happen when a given amount of time has passed or when a specific event occurs.

In Utah, cohabitation with a partner during or after a divorce results in the termination of alimony.


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